When it comes to automated customer service, nearly all of us have experienced the frustration of asking a chatbot a seemingly simple question and being redirected through an endless maze of non-answers.

This could be a thing of the past with Singapore-based voice AI company WIZ.AI’s TalkGPT customer engagement solution, as it combines the extensive language model of ChatGPT with WIZ.AI’s localized expertise.

You’ve probably heard about ChatGPT reaching 1 million users in just 5 days. What differentiates this from other chatbots is its ability to generate conversational responses that sound almost like a human. Furthermore, it can even remember what you’ve previously mentioned in the conversation.

This is light years ahead of the very first chatbot known as ELIZA, which was created in 1966 and could only give fixed outputs based on the input that was provided.

These days, with the advancements in computing processing power, artificial intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), chatbots have become more sophisticated.

Voice AI takes this one step further, where voice commands are given by users to prompt the AI to accomplish certain tasks.

There are many benefits of implementing voice AI into customer experience, including reducing operational costs and increasing customer loyalty, as explained by Jennifer Zhang, the CEO of WIZ.AI.

WIZ.AI already utilizes voice AI with their flagship Talkbot solution, and it has helped businesses experience up to a 40% increase in engagement rates and 5.3x higher cost efficiencies.

However, the main drawback of current AI language models like ChatGPT is that it works primarily in English, though it is still robust enough to generate results in French or Spanish. The model was trained with 570GB of data, with about 300 billion words, most of which come from the English language.

Given that customers within the ASEAN region speak a wide variety of languages like Tagalog, Chinese, Thai, and Malay, engaging with them can be a challenge if services are not localized accurately.

WIZ.AI is already familiar with this region, and Talkbot is capable of understanding languages like English, Chinese, Bahasa, Tagalog — and even Singlish. This gives the platform an edge as it already has significant background knowledge of consumer patterns.

With TalkGPT, WIZ.AI can take one step further by harnessing ChatGPT’s language model and contextualizing it for the ASEAN region, which could better meet customers’ expectations and increase overall customer satisfaction.

Some of the ways that TalkGPT can help to boost the efficiency of businesses include creating marketing campaigns and sending personalized reminders.

Businesses wanting to tap into the ASEAN market can now do so with ease, even those that are not familiar with the region. As Zhang puts it, “Everyone can now be their own CMO”. By automating various aspects of the customer engagement process, businesses can now focus on providing the best experience possible.

As artificial intelligence becomes smarter by the day, the ability to have human-like interactions with a computer is slowly becoming a reality. With WIZ.AI’s TalkGPT, customers in ASEAN countries who do not speak English will not be left behind too.