Kunlun Tech, a name more associated with gaming and social media, has launched two artificial intelligence-powered platforms—Melodio and Mureka—aimed at shaking up the music industry. These platforms leverage Kunlun’s proprietary AI model, SkyMusic 2.0, and claim to offer something different from what’s currently available in the market. But how much of this is real innovation, and how much is just hype?

Melodio: An attempt at personalized music streaming

Melodio is billed as the world’s first AI-driven music streaming platform that generates music in real-time based on user input. The idea is simple: you tell Melodio what you want—whether it’s energizing tunes for a workout or calming music for studying—and it generates a customized stream just for you.

The concept isn’t entirely new. Spotify, for example, has been refining its recommendation algorithms for years, using vast amounts of user data to build and suggest playlists that align with your tastes and habits. However, Melodio takes this a step further by generating music from scratch, rather than curating from an existing library.

While this sounds impressive, the practical difference for the average user might be marginal. Real-time generation could offer more precise customization, but it’s unclear whether this will significantly outperform the curated playlists that users have grown accustomed to​.

Mureka: Democratizing music creation?

Mureka aims to democratize music creation by allowing anyone—whether they are professional musicians or complete novices—to create and sell AI-generated music. The platform provides tools for generating songs, customizing them, and even selling them in an integrated marketplace.

This is an intriguing proposition, especially for independent artists who might lack access to professional production tools. Yet, Mureka is not the first to offer AI-driven music creation. Platforms like Soundful and Aiva already provide similar services, generating music for various use cases such as video production and advertising.

Mureka’s key differentiator might be its integrated marketplace, but the broader implications are worth considering. As AI-generated music becomes more prevalent, it raises questions about the value and originality of music, potentially flooding the market with content that, while technically proficient, may lack the emotional depth of human-created music​.

SkyMusic 2.0, the AI model powering both Melodio and Mureka, is positioned as a technological breakthrough capable of producing high-quality, longform music. Kunlun claims it is capable of generating 6-minute stereo tracks with a sampling rate of 44100 Hz, handling over 500 words of lyrics seamlessly.

While these specifications are impressive, they are also within the expected range for high-end audio production tools today. The real test of SkyMusic 2.0’s value lies in how effectively it can create music that resonates with listeners and creators alike. It’s one thing to generate technically sound music—it’s another to create something that genuinely connects with an audience. Whether SkyMusic 2.0 achieves this remains to be seen.

Kunlun’s entry into the music industry could have ripple effects, particularly if Melodio and Mureka gain traction. Domestically, established players like Tencent Music Entertainment and NetEase Cloud Music are already leveraging AI to enhance user experiences, positioning them as formidable competitors in the Chinese market. Tencent’s QQ Music and WeSing platforms, along with NetEase’s AI Music Lab, are deeply integrated into the local ecosystem and are well-prepared to respond to Kunlun’s innovations.

Internationally, platforms like Spotify and SoundCloud continue to evolve. SoundCloud, in particular, is partnering with AI-driven music technology companies like Fadr, Soundful, and Voice-Swap to allow artists to create and upload songs using assistive AI tools directly to the platform.

Melodio and Mureka’s success will depend on how well they can differentiate themselves and meet unmet needs in the market. For Melodio, the challenge will be convincing users that AI-generated streams offer a superior experience to curated playlists. For Mureka, the key will be in providing tools that genuinely empower creators without reducing music creation to a commoditized process​.

Kunlun’s Melodio and Mureka platforms are intriguing, but it’s too early to declare them as game changers. They offer interesting takes on music streaming and creation, but whether they represent a significant leap forward is still up for debate. The real value of these platforms will become clearer as users start to engage with them and as competitors respond. For now, they are a promising but unproven foray into an industry that is already well-acquainted with AI-driven innovation.