We hear about the economic promise of Southeast Asia often. The narrative is straightforward: population demographics skew young, there is a growing middle class, spending power is rising, and non-metropolitan areas represent vast opportunities for new business.

This has drawn investors from China to the region. They bring with them experience—with some adaptation, China’s mature tech ecosystem is a reference for business principles that work in Asia.

Additionally, these investors are able to introduce seasoned professionals who can develop features for consumer-facing applications in Southeast Asia.

One of those investment firms is ZWC Partners. KrASIA recently spoke with Michael Yao, a partner at the firm. He described some of the ways in which investors with operations in China differ from their truly local Southeast Asian counterparts, and the potential upsides for regional startups.

ZWC is already building a sizable portfolio in Southeast Asia, with a specific focus on Singapore and Indonesia. Check out KrASIA’s interview with Yao for more details about their outlook in the region.

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