Hi, it’s Edmund.

In the world of business, the concept of sustainability is ubiquitous.

Why businesses hop on the sustainability bandwagon is a no-brainer. Foremost, it’s about being socially responsible. Companies that align their business strategy to sustainability targets may also reap monetary rewards.

For example, for logistics providers, switching to an entirely electric vehicle (EV) fleet can provide a myriad of benefits. These range from lower carbon emissions, higher operational efficiency, and cost reductions.

While EVs might be a game changer, embedding sustainability in business operations is likely to be challenging.

This week, Ninja Van, one of the fastest-growing last-mile logistics companies in Southeast Asia, announced that it was implementing two green initiatives to step up its sustainability efforts. One of these is a pilot trial of ten EVs to study the feasibility of electrifying its transport fleet in Singapore.

For logistics players, the switch means having to look into developing last-mile facilities to accommodate the new fleet of commercial EVs, as well as charging stations to power them. Then there are other safety considerations including the need for EV driver training, maintenance, and even insurance. And the list goes on.

So the journey towards net zero might be more painful than initially thought. According to McKinsey, a greening world needs to brace itself for disruptive economic and societal adjustments.

In the meantime, you can read more about what Ninja Van is up to in its newest sustainability push here.


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