KrASIA’s Venture Matters TV is excited to host Huang Shao Ning, Partner and Chief Angel at AngelCentral on 17September, 7 to 8pm SGT!

An alumnus of Harvard Business School and the University of Michigan, Shao Ning is passionate about the power of startups to drive social change and contribute to the economy. In 2016, Shao Ning and her partners set up AngelCentral, an angel investment network. Their mission: To empower angel investors in Singapore and Southeast Asia. Since 2009, Shao Ning and her husband Lim Der Shing, also a partner at AngelCentral, have invested in more than 35 startups. Aside from her deep portfolio, she is also an active mentor in the industry, a wife, and mother to four boys.

Tune in to this conversation if you want to hear about:

  1. What makes a good angel investor
  1. How angel investment contributes to the local ecosystem and culture of entrepreneurship
  1. How youngfounders and entrepreneurs should approach angel investments

RSVP here and send your questions to Shao Ning!

Headquartered in Singapore, AngelCentral is one of Southeast Asia’s fastest-growing angel investment networks. It began in 2016 as a community initiative by AngelCentral partners Huang Shao Ning, Lim Der Shing, and Phey Teck Moh, and was officially incorporated in 2018.

It provides workshops, startup pitch sessions, and syndication services to achieve its goals of strengthening the region’s angel networks and becoming a bridge between startups and angels. AngelCentral has trained more than 300 angel investors and its members have collectively invested more than USD 11.7 million into startups across multiple industries.

See you all there and don’t be shy—ask Shao Ning a question!